Digital Accessibility in Italy – Everything about Stanca Act!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
Jan 10, 24
Jan 10, 24
Digital Accessibility in Italy

Since the use of digital devices has increased to the next level, 在线内容的可用性和可访问性对每个人都至关重要. Thus, Italy has its official law known as the Stanca Act or Law No. 2004年1月9日的第4号法令,确保所有公民都能获得数字服务. 《pg电子官网》通过对公共行政的严格警惕来促进无障碍, government agencies, 以及所有私营部门组织及其在线产品和服务.

该法律已被列入意大利共和国规范法案的官方合集. 所有负责任的组织都必须遵守法律,并帮助他人遵守法律. 本文旨在了解斯坦卡法的要求.

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All public and private organizations, regional municipalities, 和政府机构应该遵循斯坦卡法案的要求:

  • 网站和应用程序必须与所有辅助技术兼容.
  • 过去三年销售额超过5亿美元的组织应该遵守斯坦卡法案.
  • 教育机构必须有可利用的资源和教学工具,为每一个学生提供平等的学习机会.
  • 组织采购的货物和服务必须是可获得的.
  • 为私营实体购买供残疾员工使用的IT产品和服务提供公共补贴.
  • 培训员工应用可访问性标准并维护它是强制性的.
  • 不遵守《pg电子竞技》会受到惩罚,并失去政府的拨款. The penalties are decided by courts on collective agreements.
  • The act gets updated with time. So, organizations should update their websites/applications regularly.

Read the official Stanca Act or Law no.4 of January 2004 document.

欧洲指令是适用于所有欧盟国家的无障碍法律. However, it is not a strict regulation, rather it sets out a goal for all EU states to achieve accessibility. So, 每个国家都有权决定如何实现无障碍目标,意大利制定了《pg电子竞技》以确保无障碍.

欧盟指令是基于WCAG标准的,标准法案也是如此. Thus, 意大利的每个组织都必须符合WCAG的成功标准,并在2025年之前达到无障碍的最后期限(最后期限由欧盟对所有成员国发布)。.

(EU Directive 2016/2102)

Why comply with the Stanca Act?

可访问的网站是组织获得一些优势背后的原因. Such as,

  • Exceptional user experience: 这是可访问性实现的主要后果之一,改进的用户体验提升了整体转化率.
  • User base expansion: 可访问性帮助网站接触到更广泛的用户群,包括残疾人士.
  • Improved brand/corporate image: 数字无障碍承诺表明,该组织的重点是不支持歧视残疾用户, which is an added advantage to its image.

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How to comply with the digital accessibility law in Italy?


  • Select technologies that support accessibility. Now, there are myriad platforms that have built-in accessibility features, for example, Adobe Commerce, Drupal, WordPress, etc. Such technologies have semantic code, responsive themes, navigation controls, and many other key features.
  • Avoid overdoing it, especially with colors. 需要足够的颜色对比,为有视觉障碍的用户提供可读的视图.
  • 网站必须有流畅和逻辑的键盘导航,以允许有移动问题的用户访问.
  • 图像需要所有文本和准确的描述,以便屏幕阅读器能够正确地解释它们.
  • 内容结构应该组织良好,包括标题层次结构. It is important from a navigation point-of-view. 添加目录也是创建清晰语义结构的正确方法.
  • Make sure to provide accessible PDFs and other documents.
  • 一旦设计就绪,彻底的测试(自动的和手动的)是必不可少的. 测试确保可访问性实现已经正确完成,并且可访问性问题的范围从零到最小.

Wrapping up

In a nutshell, 数字无障碍不是残障用户所需要的,而是每个以某种方式使用在线内容的人所需要的. Thus, 通过在您的网站上使用合适的可访问元素和组件来改善您的企业形象.

Skynet Technologies, 作为国际无障碍专业人员协会(IAAP)的准会员和W3C公认的参与者,我们为自己对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到无比自豪.

无论您是需要快速的可访问性改进还是需要对网站的可访问性进行彻底检查, you can count on us to meet your requirements. The range of website accessibility remediation services covers every aspect of website accessibility, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, support, document remediation, VPAT report, accessibility statement, accessibility commitment letter (ACL), and ongoing maintenance.

To further the cause of digital accessibility and inclusivity, please do not hesitate to reach out to us either at [email protected] or request a website accessibility service quote . 我们的使命是帮助您提高数字存在的可访问性,并改善所有人的包容性.
